Blizzard presenta “World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor”

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    La game house Blizzard Entertainment ha approfittato del palcoscenico della BlizzCon do Anaheim per ufficializzare la realizzazione di “World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor”, ultimo capitolo della saga dedicata al fantasy MMORPG 3D più noto al Mondo.

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    a-settings aa ab abbey abble-boss abble-inventory abble-zone abel abf abiliti abilitie ables abossmods aboutpanel abov absorbs abylonian aca acc acci accion acco accou accoun account accountadministration accountbi accountbilling ace acea aceadd aceaddon aceb acebarfr acebu acebucket acec acecha aceco acecom acecomm acecon aceconf aceconfi aceconfig aceconfigc aceconfigcm aceconfigcmd aceconfigd aceconfigdia aceconfigdial aceconfigdialo aceconfigdialog aceconfigre aceconfigreg aceconfigregi aceconfigregistry aceconso aceconsole aceda acedb acedbo acedbop acedbopti acedboptio acedboptions acedeb acee aceeven aceevent aceg acegu acegui aceguico aceguicon aceguicont aceguiconta aceguicontain aceguiw aceguiwi aceguiwid aceguiwidge aceguiwidget aceguiwidget-blizoptionsgroup aceguiwidget-button aceguiwidget-c aceguiwidget-checkbox aceguiwidget-co aceguiwidget-colorpicker aceguiwidget-d aceguiwidget-dropdown aceguiwidget-dropdown-items aceguiwidget-dropdowngroup aceguiwidget-editbox aceguiwidget-frame aceguiwidget-heading aceguiwidget-icon aceguiwidget-inlinegroup aceguiwidget-interactivelabel aceguiwidget-k aceguiwidget-keybinding aceguiwidget-label aceguiwidget-multilineeditbox aceguiwidget-s aceguiwidget-scrollframe aceguiwidget-simplegroup aceguiwidget-sl aceguiwidget-slider aceguiwidget-tabgroup aceguiwidget-treegroup aceguiwidget-window aceho acehook acel acelib acelibr acelibra acelibrar acelibrary acelo aceloc aceloca acelocale acem acemod acemodu acemodule acemodulec acemodulecore aceo aceoo acer aceser aceseria aceserializ aceserializer acet acetab aceti acetimer ache achievemen achievementui ack ackbuttons acker ackgrounddownlo ackhandler acp act actinfo-pc actio action actionb actionbar active activelabel actualizaciones ad ada adb adceee addo addons ade-engb-full-i ade-enus-full-i ader adme admin adv advan advanced adventure ae aedenar af affair aft aft–the aftermath aftingmenus ageddx ages aggerspine agic agnaros ah ahn ahn’q ahn’qiraj ahnqiraj aidadmin aidassist aidhelper aidtable ailike ailmod ain ainer-blizoptio ainer-treegroup aintenance air ak aken al alar ale-engb ale-eses ale-frfr alert alhealing alien alisation alive alization allbackhandler aller allerlauncher alliance alloverweb almost alone alrok alsupport altime alum aluminium alwow ama amatoriale ambient ame amegor amera-settings american amets amework amnesia anced ancepois ancomplete ancounter andler anel anelscroller anfinish ang angel angelog-aceeven angelog-bigwigs angelog-xperl angelogs angerin anglais angle angrathar animal anish aniusk aniuska ankui anprogress ansion ansion-speech-e ant antrix anubrekh anup aoe aoogah ap apart aph apher apk apmod apmodcoords app apparition appraiser apprentice approaching aprfram aq ar arazhan arcana arcane arcaneb arcaneba arcanebar archaeologyui archangel arcraft ard arddownloaderpr aredmedia aren arenaui arframes arget argetframe argettarget ariables arkan arker arkkan arksorrow arlokk armageddon armed armon armond armory arneedle around aroz arr arro arrow arrowinn arrypottfrissa art artender arthas arthorn arthur artographer artw artwork arty artz ary ase ase-win asion askprice asloot aslootfu ass assault assic assis assist assistframe assmodules asspriority astr astro astrolab astrolabemapmon astrolabeqh at-cache at-ilevel at-purchased ata atab atabroker atch-undercut atching ate-base atency athreat atics atingbuster ation ation-zhtw atl atlas atlasintegrati atlasl atlasla atlaslayou atlaslayout atlaslo atlasloo atlasloot atlaslootdef atlaslootdefa atlaslootf atlaslootfu atlaslootminima atmeter atmosfear ator atparser atpurchased ats atter attext atthrottlelib attlefieldminim attumen atusbar au auc auc-a auc-ad auc-adva auc-advan auc-advance auc-advanced auc-fi auc-fil auc-filter auc-filter-out auc-filter-outl auc-m auc-matc auc-match auc-s auc-sca auc-scandat auc-st auc-sta auc-stat auc-stat-pur auc-stat-sales auc-stat-wo auc-stat-wowec auc-u auc-ut auc-uti auc-util auc-util-ahwi auc-util-ap auc-util-app auc-util-apprai auc-util-as auc-util-ask auc-util-au auc-util-aut auc-util-autom auc-util-automa auc-util-com auc-util-easybu auc-util-exam auc-util-exampl auc-util-it auc-util-pricel auc-util-s auc-util-sc auc-util-scan auc-util-scanb auc-util-scanpr auc-util-sea auc-util-searc auc-util-simple auc-util-ve auc-util-ven aucadv auchindoun aucsimple auction auctionui aucutil aud audi audioproblems aui aultframe auncher aurora autorun autumn av avalon avedvariables avenger aventura avi avqest awakening away axp axxramas ayamiss ayer ayerbuffs ayerpet ayout ayout-cache aypoints az azer azero azerot azeroth azhan azuregos azuremyst azzak b-full-installe b-installer b-patch b-selected ba bab babb babble-boss babble-class babble-inventor babble-zone babe babelfis baboutpanel baby babyl babylo babylon babyloni babylonia babylonian bac backg backgro backgroun backgrounddo backgrounddown backhandler backup-eng backup-enus backup-f bad bagbar bak bal balo bant banto bantobar bar barb barbarians barbershopu barbershopui bardisplay barfra barframe barframetemplat barke barker barkerobjects barkersettin barkerst barmo barmod baronge barplugin barte barten bartender base base-enus base-win basic basiccommands bat battle battlefie battlefield battlefieldmin battlefieldminimap battlegro bazooka bb bbabble bbabble-faction bbabble-invento bble-boss bble-zone bbossids bby bc bc-top bc-topright bd bda bdan bdant bdaxp bdbicon bdropdown bean beanc beanco beancou beancoun beancounter beancounterap beancounterconf beancounterfra beancounterlo beancounterma beancountersea beancounterst bed behind bejeweled believe bell beneath betrayal bey beyonce bf bg bg-b bg-bo bg-botleft bg-botrigh bg-botright bg-botto bg-bottom bg-le bg-left bg-me bg-merg bg-mergeb bg-mergebot bg-midd bg-middle bg-r bg-right bg-t bg-to bg-top bgraph bi bia bicons biconsh biconsxh bidmonitor bignoodle bigw bigwi bigwigs bike bill bin bindi bindings bindings-cache bindingui binhighlight birdy birth bit bitcom bitcomet bitstrea bkeybound bl bla black blackchancer blackheart blacklotus blackte blacktemple blackwi blasphemous blasphemy ble-boss ble-zone blems bles bleshooting bleshootingmenu blet bli blin blind blindfold blindwe bliz blizz blizza blizzar blizzard blizzarddo blizzarddownloaderproblems blizzardi blizzardins blizzardinsider blood bloodmyst blp blu blue bluff blwidg blwidget bnet bnup bnupda bnupdate bo body bold bond bonus boone boptions border borderwidget borean boss bossbl bossmods bot bott bottomba bottombar bound boutpanel bove box boy br brackets brary break breakout breed bri bridge brimstone bring bringer brio broken broodlord brow brower bruiseweed brwi brwid brwidg brwidget bs bsharedmedia bsink bsorbs bsp bspacer bst bstub bu bubb bubble buff bugfamily buglib bur burni burnin burning burningcrus burningcrusade buru buster butt butto buttonbar buttonl buttons bw bwidget bwindow bwl bylonian c-advanced c-stat-simple c-stat-wowecon c-topleft c-util-appraise c-util-askprice c-util-easybuyo c-util-searchui ca cab cac cache cal cale-dede cale-engb cale-enus calendar cales calisation calization callb callba callbac callback callbackh callbackha callbackhan callbackhand callbackhandler cam camaris cameltoe camer camera camera-se camera-sett camera-setti camera-settin camera-setting campagnol candata candy candyba car cardinal cart carto cartog cartogr cartogra cartograp cartographer casttrac casttrack cavendish caverns cb cbd cbreakers cc ccache ccbreakers ccf ccount ccountbilling cd cdfd ce ceaddon cecomm ceconfig ceconfigcmd ceconfigdialog ceconfigregistr ceconsole ced cedb cedboptions cee ceevent cegui ceguicontainer ceguiwidget-dro ceguiwidget-fra ceguiwidget-hea ceguiwidget-inl ceguiwidget-key ceguiwidget-lab ceguiwidget-mul celibrary cells celocale cemodulecore cen cense ceoo cepois ceportalpois cetimer cf ch ch-enus ch-eses cha chaa chain chamber chan changel changelo changelog changelog-a changelog-ac changelog-babbl changelog-cand changelog-libdatabroker changelog-nym changelog-quart changelog-r changelog-recount-v changelog-ro changelog-ta changes chantrix chantrix-barker character characternaming charcoal charged chased chat chat-c chat-cache chatthr chatthro chatthrott chatthrottlel chatthrottleli chatthrottlelib che chec check cher cherarbitrage chezaar chinasso ching chking chocolates choir christina chromag ci ciencia cifron cin cine cinem cinema cinematics city cker ckermodule cket ckhandler ckoptions ckwinglair cl cla claire class classi classic classmo classmod classmodules cle cli clien client cloaked clogo cmd cmodulecore cn co cod code coil coilfangr coilfangrese col cold colle collect colors com comb combat combatlog combatparser combattex combattext combo comedia comet coming comm comman command commingt commington common commu communica communicat communication compactraidframes compactu compactui con concrete conf confession confi config-cache configa configat configato configator configdialog confrontation connection connection-he connection-hel connection-help connectionlogin connectionloginproblems connector conquistador console conspiracy consta constan constants cont conta contac contact contactinfo contactinfo-mac contactinfo-over contactinfo-pc conten contents convicted coold cooldowns coppervein cor core core-disabled core-enabled corebuy corecons coremain coreman corepost coresettin coreutil corner coro coronation corpsep cosclassic council count countdown counter courage court courtship cover covert cp cpu cr crack craf craft craftui crash crawlspace cre created creaturec creaturecach credi credits creenshots crepeat crimal crime crnshot crollsheet crollupbutton-o crossroads crt crucial crus crusa crusade crusade-enus-fu crystalsong cs cspac cspacer css ct cthun ctinfo-over ction ctionui ctivelabel ctl ctor cu cue culling cumentation curse custom customh customhi customhighlight cut cutscene cy da dadispels dadk dadmin daenemies dafailbot dag dagge daggers daggersp daggerspi daggerspine dalammar dalaran damage damagetaken dance danger dani dapower dar dare dark darkso darksorrow darnassus dassist dat data date date-base db dbghe dbghel dbghelp dbicon dboptions dd ddons ddoublecross ddownloader ddx de de-engb-full-in de-enus-full-in dead death deathgraph deathpriest deb debar debu debuff debug debugl debuglib debugtools deception deck ded dede deed def defaul default defaultbindings defaultfra defaultfram dei delet deletio demianz dental der derek descent desolate desperate destiny destruction detail dete detector detonate devel devil dew dewd dewdr dewdro dewdrop dewdropli dewdroplib df dfbfc dget-icon dget-simplegrou dgets di dia diag diagnostic dialog die ding dings-cache dioproblems dir direc direct directx disabled discharge discover dispe dispels dit div divxdecoder dk dler dlibbars dll dm dmarkup dme dmedia dmemenu dmin dmonitor dmp doc doctor docu docum documen documenta documentat documentati documentatio documentation dodads domestic dons doo doomwalker door doppler dot doti dotimer double dow downcode downfall downgroup downloa downloader doworder dps dra drag dragbutt draghandl drago dragon dragon-left dragon-r dragon-right drama dre dream dreamer dreamfoi dregistry drendan drendand drendandra driado drone drop dropdown dropdown-items druid drums ds dset dsetu dsetup du ducts duergar duke dules dun dune dunema dunemaul durnholde duskwood dustbowl dvanced dvariables dwarn dx dxnt dxsetup e-base e-boss e-class e-enus-full-ins e-eses e-faction e-frfr e-inventory e-zone ea eaddon eadme eadme-over eancounter earch earcherprospect earchervendor earchui eart ease easybuyout eat eatmeter ebar ebin ebloom ebonroc ebot ebug ebuglib ech-enus echegoyen echnicalsupport echoes ecomm econfig econfigcmd econfigdialog econfigregistry econsole ecount ect ectx ed edb edge edi edia edicion edit editbox editi edmedia edmediawidgets edvariables ee eenshots eeting eevent eex efeb efenders efilters eft egister egistry egroup egui eguiwidget-butt eguiwidget-drop eguiwidget-edit eguiwidget-keyb eguiwidget-mult eguiwidget-scro ehammered ehistory ehook ein el elease electbox electric elektros elel elemia elermia elib elist elocale elocals elog-paintchips elogs elp elper elune elwynn elysian em emain emaintenance ematics embed emblem ements emeriss emi-full-border emies emmarker emnamecache emodulecore emoss empire emplates employm employmen employment empty emrack emsuggest emtextcache en enaui enc ench encha enchan enchant enchantr enchantri enchantrix enchantrix-b enchantrix-ba enchantrix-bar enchantrix-bark enchantrixbarke endcap ender enemies eng engb engb-do engb-dow engb-downlo engb-downloa engb-download engb-full-inst engb-full-insta engb-i engb-in engb-insta engb-instal engb-installer engb-pa engb-pat engb-patc engb-patch engb-w engb-wi engb-win engb-win-pa engb-win-pat engb-win-patch engl english enhor enht enhto enhtoo enhtool enhtoolt enhtoolti enhtooltip enigma ensehistory enshots entation enter ents entui enture enus enus-full-insta enus-pa enus-patc enus-patch enx enxautodise enxcommand enxconstants enxmain enxman enxminiicon enxnond enxob enxorb enxsettings enxstrings enxutil eobjectcache eoo eotheras epico epicon episode eplayproblems epois eqh equip er er-blizoptionsg era-settings eral eraser erchant erface erfall erhealing erializer ericon erl erlay erman ern ernia eroth erpentshrinecav err erro errorl errorlog errors ershopui erspine ert erth erui ervices erview escan escape eserializer eservoir eses eses-installer eses-patch eshield eshooting eshooting-mac esilvervein esmx esound esource ess estate esthelper et-button et-inlinegroup et-interactivel et-scrollframe et-slider et-tabgroup et-treegroup eta etarget eter eternity etimer etin ets etup eu eula euphrates evel events everything evidence evision ew ewdrop ewport example exclusive exe executive exml exo exodar exor exorn exp expa expalert expan expansi expansio expansion expansion-lo expansion-loc expansion-s expansion-speec expasi expasio expasion expatriate expens expense expenseh expensehis expensehist expensehisto expensehistor expensehistory extr extras extratext extures eybinding eybound eye eyeball eyebeta eyoncebabe fa face faction faded fadeleaf faerl fahrenheit fail failbot failsafe fairy faith fall family fanatic fancy fangreservoir fankris far faraway farenheit farewell fark farka farkan farkk farkka farkkan faster fatal fate faultframe fb fc fd fe fear fec feel felwood ff fff ffhc fi fications ficcion fidanzato fields fig figator figcmd figdialog fight figregistry fil files filter filter-basic filteritemq filtertimeleft final fire firebloom firemaw firmsellui fix fixl fixlo fjord fl fla flag flagpois flagrsp flamengo flashback flat flaw flight flightpath fluff fo focus fon fonts fontwidget force forest foretax foreword forged forgotten formant fortress fot fotlk fr fra fram framebac frameback frameopt frames framete framew framewor framework framexml free freedom fren french frf frfr frissa frost fs ft ft–the fu fubarplu fubarplug fubarplugi fubarplugin ful full full-installer fun fury g-acelibrary-r g-botright g-mergebot g-right ga gam game gameobjectc gameobjectcac gameobjectcache gameplayproble gameplayproblems gamesug gamesuggesti gamesuggestions gamesup gamesuppor gamesupport gan garden garr garza gate gateway gathering gator gau gaugeb gaugecircle gb gb-downloader gb-installer gb-patch gb-win-patch gbuster gbuster-locale gcd gcmd gdialog gearscore gecircleneedle gehenna gelog-fubarplug gelogs gen generalra germ german gerspine ges gest gestions get-blizoptions get-checkbox get-dropdown get-editbox get-heading get-keybinding get-label get-tabgroup gets gettarget gettingstarte ggerspine ghelp ghlight ghostmus ght gi gic gicicone gif gin girl gister gistry gl gladiator glaz glaze glenn gletarget glib glo global glory gloss glow gluexml gluth glyphui gmchat gmchatui gmsur gmsurveyu gmsurveyui gnomicida gnostic go-blizzard goblin god gol gold golden goldeneye goldensansam goldthor goldvei goliath gorgeous gothic gothik gpl gplv gr grand graph grapher grario gratuito grav graven graveyard gravity gre greater greensq greeting gregistry greynote grid grizzlemaw gro gromsblood grope grou ground ground-solid group grsp gruul gryph gryphon gryphon-right gs gstrings gtheridon gu guardians gui guicontainer-si guide guildb guildbankui guildcontrolui guildouter guildpositions guildui guilty guiwidget-blizo guiwidget-butto guiwidget-check guiwidget-editb guiwidget-frame guiwidget-icon guiwidget-inter guts gwenda gwigs gx h-engb h-enus h-frfr h-undercut ha haa hack hades hair hakka half hammered han handler hangelog-acedeb hangelog-babble hangelog-dewdro hangelog-omen-r hangelog-waterf hantmats hantrix hantrix-barker har harbor haredmedia haredmediawidge harr harry harryp harrypo harrypott harrypottf harrypottfr harrypottfri harrypottfriss harrypottfrissa harz harzo hash hastears hat-cache hatthrottlelib hatthrottlestat hayes hcn hd hea heading healb healer healing heart heartland heat heavens heckbox hei hel heli heliogaa hell hellfire help help-request helper helpmenu herb heridon hero herresale hes hgate hi hidden highbourne highligh highlight highway hisker history hking-locale-es hmain hoedown holds hollow holy home homecoming honor hook hooker hooksanda hooting hooting-mac hootingmenu hope horde horsemen hots hour howling hps hreat hreatblacklist hreatmeter hrilvein hroom hroot ht hthreatmeter htm html htooltip htw huhu huhuran hui human hunaaa hunt hunter hurons hyakiss hybrid hyde hydr hydross hyjal hymn hyperblue i-full-border ia iables ial ializer ialog ian ibbabble-boss ibbabble-invent ibbossids ibdatabroker ibdropdown ibfail ibfubarplugin-m ibgraph ibguild ibkeybound ibrary ibrevision ibs ibsharedmedia ibsimpleoptions ibstub ibwindow ic icalsupport ications icc icecap icense ichaa ichabod ichking ichking-speech icktock icns ico icon icon-conf icon-config icon-rese icon-reset icon-summ icon-summary icontainer-inli icontainer-tabg icrosoft id idadmin idassist idebar ider idget-colorpick idget-dropdown idget-dropdowng idget-multiline idget-treegroup idgets idhelper idregistry idus ient ier ievementui iewport ifest iftthistle igator igcmd igdialog ighlight ight iginalwow ignoodletitling igregistry igroup igs igwigs ii iii ijl ijro il il-ahwindowcont il-compactui il-itemsuggest il-pricelevel il-scanfinish il-simpleauctio il-vendmarkup ila iland ilbot ildinner ileve ilineeditbox illidan ilmod ilteritemlevel im ima images imap imeline imer immediate impact imperativa implant imple implem implementati impleoptions impossible in-final in-patch ina inal includes incubus index inding indingui inegroup inematics iner-dropdowngr inf infcommand infernalis infiltraitor inflocale infmain infman info info-mac infor informa informan informant infquests infsettings infstr inftooltip ing ing-pc ingbuster ingcrusade ingcrusade-engb ingcrusade-enus ingletarget inigroup inimalist init inium injiako inlinegroup inner inquisition ins inspec inspectui inst insta instalacion installer installerl installerlaun installerlaunc installerlauncher instan instanc instancep instancepo instancepois instinct instrumental inte intenance inter interactive intercept interf interfa interface international interpol interrogation interrupt intersbite intr intro inventory invincible iolation ion ionbar ionloginproblem ioproblems ip ir irae iraj irectx irminator ironforge ironv isation isc isenchant ish ision island isle iso ispels issa issues ist istframe istory istry italia ite item item-sparse itemcac itemcache itemma itemmarker itemnameca itemprice itemr itemra itemrac itemrack itemrackb itemrackeve itemracko itemrackop itemrackopt itemrackoptio itemrackoptt itemrackque itemsocketi itemsocketingui itemtex itemtext itemtextcache itframeoptions itions itit itles itor ity iwidget-colorpi iwidget-dropdow iwidget-frame iwidget-heading iwidget-interac ix ix-barker ixlogstrings izable ization izedlibbars izer izzard jaeden jaedenar james jar jason jaxx je jects jennie jindo journey jp jpg js judgement jugar junction jungle justice ka kada kadaabsorbs kadacc kadadebuffs kadadispels kadaenemies kadafailbot kadahealing kadapower kalu’ak kan kar kara karaz karazh karazha karazhan kaspozo kasumi kazzak kb ke keal kealrok kee keex keexx keijro kelthuzad ken ker kerlocale kermodule keybinding keybound keychain keywords kgrounddownload khadgarsw khandler kill killui kin king king-locale-enu kingmaker kingsblood kingu kiss kl klh klht klhth klhthr klhthre klhthrea klhthreat klhthreatme klhthreatmeter klik ko kok kokr koptions korean kprice kr ksorrow kt ktm kup l-ahwindowcontr l-automagic l-easybuyout l-example l-installer l-itemsuggest l-scanfinish l-searchui la labe label labyrinth lacerate lackwinglair lacky lacrimosa lake lament lan land landma lang lanterns lash lasloot laslootfu lassic lassmodulecore lassmodules latency lation lau laun launch launcher launcherexceptions laura lay layer layerpet layo layou layout layout-ca layout-cac layout-cache layout-local lazys lazysync lbackhandler lbar-scrollupbu lborder ld ldmembers ldminimap ldownbutton-dis ldownbutton-up le-boss le-class le-esmx le-frfr le-inventory le-zone leader league leaked lease lebar lecore lect lef legacy legend legion lei lelib lemia leotheras ler lerlauncher les leshooting leshooting-pc letarget letho leve level lgpl lhthreatmeter li liba libabou libabout libaboutp libaboutpa libaboutpan libaboutpanel libb libba libbab libbabb libbabble libbabble-b libbabble-bos libbabble-cla libbabble-class libbabble-fa libbabble-facti libbabble-i libbabble-in libbabble-inve libbabble-z libbabble-zo libbabble-zone libbo libbossids libd libdatabr libdatabroker libdbicon libdr libdro libdropd libdropdo libdropdown liberation liberty libfai libfail libfu libfubarplug libg libgr libgra libgrap libgraph libgroupstor libgu libgui libguidregi libguild libguildpo libguildpositi libguildpositio libk libkey libkeyb libkeybo libkeybound libra librar library libre librev librevi librevisi librevisio librevision libs libsh libsha libshar libsharedme libsharedmedi libsharedmedia libsi libsimpleopt libsimpleoptio libsink libst libsta libstatlogic libstu libstub libt libtip libtipho libtiphooker libto libtour libtouris libtourist libwindow lic licantro lice license lich lichking lichking-local lichking-spee lichking-speec lidebar lider lient lier life liferoot lifetime light line ling lingtaken list listener listfile lite liteste litestep living lizable lization lizer lizzard lk ll-installer llbackhandler llbar-scrolldow llbar-scrollupb lldownbutton-hi lldownbutton-ov llect ller llframe lling lloutbar lltracker-v lmlist lmod lo loa load loader loadfir loadfirst loado loatheb loc loca locale-e locale-enus locale-eses locale-frfr locale-kokr locale-ruru locali localisa localisat localisati localisatio localisation localiza localizab localizabl localizable localizat localizati localizatio localization localization-f localization-r localization-zh location lock log log-acehook log-bartender loginproblems logo logo-b logo-bl logo-blizzard logo-bne logo-bnet logo-medium logo-micro logo-small logo-wow logstrings lonian loom loose loot lootbuttons lootfu loottab loottables lord lorpicker love lp lper lpr lpro lproj lrep lrepeat ls lsupport lsystem lter lter-basic ltima ltip ltracker lu lua lucida lucius ludlum lugins lunatic lupbutton-up lurker lurking lverleaf lzw ma mac mac-over machine maclogo macoscl macoscla macosclassi macosclassic macros-cache macrou macroui maexxna magero mages magic magician magicicon magmadar magt magthe mai maiden mail-gui mailm mailmo mailmod main majordo mal man manage manageddx mandokir mands manifest mant manual manualerrat manualerrata map mapbu mapbutton mapm mapmo mapmod mapmodcoor mar marianz marked marker marli martial martyr mashine masked maste mastela master matchbeanc matics matrix maul maulgar maximum mb mbed mc mcgonagall md me-ins me-pc medal media mediafire melody memanager memberback memories mentation menu menui menuitems meplayproblems mer mercutio mes messages meter mework mexml mfil mg mi micr micromenu microsoft midse mighty min mini minig minigro minigroup minimalist minimap minimapi minimapicon mir miria mirror mission mist mit ml mm mminbox mmon mmunication mmy mnicc mo moa mod modes modu modulebase modulecore modules mole moltencore moments money monitor monolith monster moo moon moonfall moongl moonglade mor moroe morogh mount mountains movecurs moved movie mp mplates mple mplegroup mpleoptions mpq mr mrack mrackgear mrackscripticon ms msvc msvcr mt munication murder murlancio musi music musica mwalker mythos mythreat n’qiraj n-disabled n-patch n-right n-up na nag naked name namecache nania napoleaa nation nav nax naxx naxxr naxxra naxxramas nbars nbutton-overlay ncebar nced ncepois nchant nchantrix nchantrix-barke ncher nctions ndandra ndata ndemand nder ndler ndmarkup ndowcontrol ne necropolis nefarian negroup nel nematics neonborder-blue neonborder-green neonborder-purple neonborder-red neonborder-yellow nerui nest net netherspite netherstorm netin neutral neverland newg newgui nexus nfig nfigator nfigcmd nfigdialog nfigregistry nfo nformant ng ng-over ngb ngb-installer ngb-patch ngb-win-patch ngbuster ngcrusade-engb nge ngelog-recount nglade nglair ngletarget nglish ngroup ngs-cache ngui nhtooltip nian nication nicc nidaros night nightbane nightweats nigroup nimalist ninfo ning ningcrusade-eng ningcrusade-enu nish nitframes nlnl nloader nocturnal norm nostromus noteicon notes noth nothere noti notificat notificatio notifications notifier noxis np npc npccache npcmo npcmodu npcmodules nqiraj ns nse nsehistory nsgroup nshots nsider nsion nsole nstall nstaller nstancepois nstants nstrider nt ntadministratio ntainer-dropdow ntation ntents nter nterface ntory ntrix ntrix-barker ntro ntsc nual nuitems nus nus-full-instal nventory o-blizzard oad obals obar obbulus object objecti objtips oblems oblivion oc ocale-dede ocale-ruru ocale-zhcn ocalisation ocalizable ocalization ocalization-ded ock ocketingui octane ocumentation ode odsapi odulecore odules odysseum oe oena og og-acp og-cartographer og-surface ogaa ogg ogo ographer ogress ogrim ogstrings oi oj ok okenglo oker okr olabe olation ole ollbar ollect oller olorpicker oltip olympo omagic ombar ombat ome omen omenu omm ommon omn omni omnic omnicc on-left on-right oncebabe onfig onfigcmd onfigdialog onfigregistry onglade onglestub onian ono ons onsole ontactinfo-mac ontactinfo-over ontents ontrol onts onward onyxia onze ooldowns ooltip oor ootfu ooting ooting-pc oottables op opdown open oplib opment opportunity oproblems opt opti optio options orch orchestral order order-small ore oreapi oreword orgrimmar orial origin originalwow ork orky orld ormant orn orquesta ort ortmenu ory os oss ossirian ossmods ot otemap oth otimer otrav otravi otravi-clo otravi-s otravi-sem otravi-semi-full-border otright ottfrissa ottlelib ou oubleshooting oubleshooting-m ound oundcache oundcache-eses ount ounter oup ources ourist ouro out-cache outdoor outl outland outlier outlierfilt outline ov overhea overlaydata overture overvi overview ow ow-burningcrusa ow-final ow-partial ow-update-base owns owscrnshot ox pa pac pack pact pactui paddin padding page pagetextca pagetextcac paintchi paladin pandaria panel panelsc panelscr panelscro panelscroll panic pansion pansion-locale par para paradise parallel parser partial particip party partyb partybuf partybuffs partyfram partyouter partyp partypet pasion passion password pat patc patch patch-a patch-b patch-base patch-engb patch-enus patch-eses patch-f patch-frfr patchwerk path pathfindi patient pattern paulu pbutton-highlig pc pc-game pc-over pcl pclog pclogo pcmodules pd pdate pdate-base pdate-eses pdater pdf pdown pdown-items pe peac pearl peech-engb peech-enus peech-eses peggle pellsystem pels pensehistory people per perfect perl pet petba petbar pfil pg ph pher phillips pi picking pieces pill pin pine pirata pirate pixel pkg pkgi pkgin pkginfo pkgme pl pla plaguebloom plateau play playe player playerbuff playerframe playerpet playerscore ple pleas please plesticky plis plist plpl plugins pmenu pmod png point pois poison popopo porca porncraft port portal portrait pos positions post postmonitor pottfrissa powe power powergain powwow pp pport pproblems pq praiser prayer pre prelude premium presiden pressure presto preventi preventiv preventivem preventivema preventivemaintenance prey price pries primal prince priority-eses probe problems profile programmed progress proj promise prototype proud prsettings ps psychological pt ptions ptionsgroup ptpt pu pub purchased purple purplelo pursued putlocker py qiraj qu qua quar quart quartz quartz-ruru quartz-zhcn quartz-zht que quest questcach questh questhel questhelper questl r-locale-eses r-locale-zhtw r-window ra rab rabo raboss rabossm rabossmods racac rachanges rack racker rackoptions raclassspells radetectspells raft raftui ragon-left rai raid raida raidad raidadm raidadmi raidadmin raidass raidassi raidassist raidf raidfra raidframes raidhe raidhel raidhelper raidicon raidmon raidmoni raidmonitor raidpe raidpet raidtable raidu raidui rain raised raiser ramas ramenu rameoptions rames ramet range ranmouri raoptions raph rapher raphite rar rare rary rase rasets rash raslashcmds rat rata ratarget rathgate rati ratin rating ratingb ratingbu ratingbuster ratingbuster-l ratingbuster-r rator ravi-close ravi-semi-full razhan razo razuvious rb rb-example rbor rborder rbuffs rces rch rchui rconverter rcraft rddownloaderpro rder rea read readme readme-ma readme-mac readme-over readme-p readme-pc readmemenu realmlist realmselec realmselectio realmselection realtime reason reat reatmeter rebirth rebuild rec recent reco reconfig recou recoun recount recount-d recount-dede recount-e recount-enus recount-eses recount-f recount-frfr recount-k recount-kokr recount-r recount-ruru recount-v recount-z recount-zhcn recount-zhtw rectx recycle red redcross reddot redeemer redemption redmedia redmediawidgets redrum reenshots reforgingui rege regex register reino related rele relea release reloaded remus rent rep repa repair repeat replikant repmen repor report reprogram republic repxpbar requiem requirem requirements rerurn res reset resizeg resizegr resizegrip resizegripl resizegripleft resizegripri resizegripright reso resou resour resources rest results resurrecti resurrection return revenge revision revivaldre revivaldreams revolutions reword rface rflash rfr rgains rge rger rget rgore rhapsody rhythm ri riables rializer ric ricelevel richaa ride ridon rinecavern ringer rings rinky riojas ripleft ripley rise rissa rites ritual rivers rix rix-barker rkan rker rkermanifest rks rksorrow rl rld rldevents rm rman rmant rmination rn rnia rning rnshot road roblems rock rogue roj rok rol rollbar rollbar-scrollu rolldownbutton roller rollsheet rollt rolltr rolltra rolltracker rollupbutton-up romantico romeo romulojulianne ron rop ropdown roplib ror rosary roscatuerca roste roster rostertext roubleshooting round rounddownloader roup route roymustang roz rpet rrepeat rror rrorlog rrow rrypottfrissa rs rspark rspine rsr rsrc rt rtarget rtender rtmenu rtographer rtupproblems rtwork rtz ru ruins rumble ruru rusade-engb-ful rusade-enus-ful russell rutil rvendor rvices rview rvoir ry rypottfrissa ryth rzo s-cache s-full-installe s-patch sa sabotage sacred sacrificium sade safe sagrari sagrario saint salute salvation salveus samantha samurai sancte sapphiron sartu sav save savedv savedva savedvar savedvaria savedvariab savedvariabl savedvariables saveload sbar sc scan scanbutto scanbutton scandata scanfi scanpr scbeta scene scr scre scree screen screensh screensho screenshots scripts scrnshot scroll scrollb scrollba scrollbar scrollbar-knob scrollbar-scro scrollbar-scrol scrolldownbutto scrollframe scrollsheet scrollupbutton se se-frfr sear searc search searchbutton searcherd searcherenc searchergen searchersna searchrealtime searchui searchuiicon season secrets seduction sehistory selec select selectbox seoman seomancabnev sephrenia ser serenata serendipity serializer serpen serpent serpentsh server services sesound setmenus sets sh sha shadeofaran shadow shadowlabyrinth shadowlands shaman shaping shar shards share sharedfu sharedmedia sharedmediaw sharedmediawid shazzrah sheblade sheet shefil shield shimmering shinjia shinjiak shinjiako ships shitload shooting shooting-over shootingmenu shot showdown si sicfilter sids siege sigma signa signat signature silver silvermoon silvervein sim simpframe simpleauction simpleoptions sin sin’dorei sing singl singlet singleta singletar singletarge singletarget sion sion-locale-enu sitions sixty size sk ska skad skada skadaa skadaabsorbs skadacc skadadam skadadamag skadadamaget skadadamageta skadadamagetak skadadea skadadeaths skadadebuf skadadebuffs skadadispe skadaen skadafa skadahe skadaheali skadapower skadath skadathre skeram ski skillui skin skinin skininfo skininfodbto skininfodbtool sl slash sledg sleepwalk sli slid slide slideb slideba slidebar slidemain slider sline sloot slootfu slus smo smods smodules smooth snake software solarian sole solemn solitary something son sonata song sorrow soundcache soundcache-patch soundcache-patch-eses sounds soundtrack soundwi source sp space spacer span spanish spe spec special specializedlib spectui spee speec speech speech-e speech-enus speech-eses speech-fr speed spel spellsystem spin spine spirit spiritus splash sprit src ss ssa ssic ssids ssmods ssmodules ssword sta stafford stalking stall staller stallerlauncher stancebar stancedata stancepois stand star staring starship startu startup startupp startupproblems stat-histogram stat-stddev stat-wowecon statc statebar stathistogra stati static statistic stats statu statusb statusbar statusbarw stealme steppes ster ster-locale-kok sthelper stolen stombar stop stormwind story str stranglekelp stranglethorn streets strength stri strider strike strin strings stry stu stub stubb stubby styl styles stylesleft su subspecies subterfuge suburbia subversive suite sulfu summer sun sungr suo sup supp suppo suppor support supportme supportmenu sur surface surrender surveillance suspects suspense suspicion svcr svs sw swa swashbuckler swat swatch swatt swatter sweat swept swi swing sword sync syndrome sys sysfilm systemreq systemrequirem systemrequirements t-button t-cache t-classic t-dropdown t-frfr t-heading t-histogram t-icon t-multilineedit t-numbereditbox t-ruru t-scrollframe t-simplegroup t-slider ta tab tabgroup table tableframe tabler tableregis tableregister tablet tactinfo tactinfo-pc taer tail tainer-inlinegr tainer-scrollfr tainer-simplegr taken tal tale talent talentu talentui tall tallation taller tanaris tants tar targe target targetframe targetmon targett targettarge targettarget tarsys tarted tat-ilevel tat-sales tation tats tatsimple tatusbar taulmaril tavern tbc tbo tbor tborder tbox tbutton tcache tch tch-base tcmd te tea team teamsters tears teaser tebar tech techn technic technica technicalsupport techsup techsupport teeth tekken telaclav telaclavaa teldrassil teleport temas tempest tempestkeep temple temrackequip temrequirements tems temsocketingui tency tender tentacool tents ter ter-bold ter-outlier teresa terestian terface terminated terminatio terreste terror test testdos tex text textcache textexpor textile textparsi textu texturedata textures tf tfil tframe tfu tg tga thaddius theatrical thebigbadwolf theeye theka thelper theme ther thescript thgate thickborder thin thinbor thoras thoriumve thousand thr thre threa threat threatboo threatc threatmeter threatnp threattps threatutil thress throttle ths thumbsdown thumbsup thunder ti tics tightwire til-appraiser til-askprice til-compactui til-itemsuggest til-pricelevel tiland tilineeditbox timburton timemana timemanager timer timeslice tin tinfo-over ting tingbuster tingbuster-loca tinv tinymoney tinymoneyfram tion tion-enus tip tirtzah tit title-tr title-troubleshooting titlebar titles titling-oblique tivelabel tland tlasloot tlaslootfu tle tleft tlogic tlwid tlwidget tm tmap tmeter tml tmp toc tod today todo together tographer token tokenui tom tomagic tome tons took tooltip top toptions tor torage torcache torch torial torn torr torren torrent tory tos tot totally totems touch tower tpanel tpb tr tra trac trace track tracker trackerm trackermo trackermod trackermodu trackermodule trades tradeski tradeskil tradeskillui trai trail trailers train traineru trainerui tranq transpirits traveled tri trial triangle trigger trightarrows trilogy trings trinity trix trix-barker trixbarker tro trolabeqh troopers trou troub troubles troublesh troublesho troubleshoo troubleshooti troubleshootin troubleshooting troubleshooting-mac troubleshooting-over troubleshooting-pc troubleshootingmenu troy trtr tru trwidget ts tshrinecavern tstddev tt ttarget tter ttf ttfrissa tthe tthrottlelib ttings ttle ttlelib ttombar tton-overlay ttond ttons tu tub tubby tuctions tui tundra tunnel tuptitle tures turning tusbar tut tutorial tviewer tw twid twidget twins tx txt tybuffs tz tz-kokr ua ual uality uare uartz uartz-dede uartz-enus ub ubleshootingmen uc-advanced uc-match-underc uc-stat-histogr uc-stat-sales uc-stat-simple uc-util-ahwindo uc-util-askpric uc-util-itemsug uc-util-scanfin ucket ue uestcache uesthelper uffs ug ugins uglib ui ui-debuff-b ui-sc ui-scro ui-scrol ui-scrollbar ui-scrollbar-knob ui-scrollbar-s ui-scrollbar-sc ui-scrollbar-scrolldownbutton-disabled ui-scrollbar-scrolldownbutton-highlight ui-scrollbar-scrolldownbutton-overlay ui-scrollbar-scrolldownbutton-up ui-scrollbar-scrollupbutton-disabled ui-scrollbar-scrollupbutton-highlight ui-scrollbar-scrollupbutton-overlay ui-scrollbar-scrollupbutton-up ui-spellbook-ta ui-tooltip-back uicontainer-fra uicontainer-tre uicontainer-win uildpositions uirements uitems uiwidget-checkb uiwidget-editbo uiwidget-icon uiwidget-intera uiwidget-label uiwidget-treegr ulecore ules ull ultframe ultimatum umentation un una unaaa uncommon und unddownload undead undercity undercut undwidget unholy unicows unin uninst uninstall union unit unitf unitfr unitfra unitframeopti unitframes unknown unrequited unstrider unt untadministrati untainsilversag unter upda update update-base upgrade upload upmembers upport urces ures urist url urning urningcrusade-e uru us-patch usade usade-engb-full usade-enus-full usage usbar usern usernotem uster ustomhighlight ut ut-cache utf uti util util-ahwindowc util-askprice util-automagic util-scanprogr util-searchui util-simpleauc utland utton utton-disabled utton-highlight vaelastrasz vale vanced variables vashj vc vedvariables vehic vehiclebar vemaintenance vendetta vendmar vengeance vent ventory ver verlay vero version verview veterinary vey veyui vi vices victory vide Blizzard presenta “World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor” Blizzard presenta “World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor” Blizzard presenta “World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor” video videopro videoproblems videoweed view viewp viewpo viewpor viewport vio viol viola violati violatio violation virtual visc vision vlad voices vortex voted vows vox voyage vpmenus vrykul vxdecoder w-burningcrusad w-final w-partial wa waiting wallpapers waltz war warc warcr warcra warcraf warcraft warfare warnings warrio warriors wasteland wat watch waterfall wau wav waypoi waypoints wcontrol wd wdb wdrop website website-over wecon wgui whitecir wi wid widg widget-checkbox widget-dropdown widget-editbox widget-frame widget-inlinegr widget-label widget-slider widgets wigs wildsteelb willi williamsong willoughby willowbrook win win-patch window windoword wire wish witch witness wizardofoz wl wlk wmo wn wnloader wnloaderproblem wo wolf wonder woods wor worgen worked worl world worldbosses worldeven worldeventm worldevents wouter wow wow-b wow-bur wow-burn wow-burni wow-burningc wow-burningcr wow-burningcrus wow-burningcrusade-eses-full-installer wow-f wow-fin wow-part wow-partial wow-patch wow-u wow-up wow-updat wow-update wow-update-b wow-update-ba wow-update-base wow-update-eses wowcache wowecon wowerr wowerror wowsc wowscr wowscrn wowscrnsh wowscrnsho wowscrnshot wra wrat wrath wrathgate wrathofthe wrathofthel wrathofthelichk writecachebackup wscrnshot wt wtf wutai wutaithief wutaithieff wyatt x-barker x-to xample xdecoder xe xeon xert xerth xlocale xm xml xorn xp xpansion xpansion-speech xpasion xpbar xpe xpensehistory xper xperl xramas xt xtooltip xtures xxramas ya yadirah yakumita yal ybar ybound ybuffs ybuyout ye year yellowjacket yer yerarrow yetilan yetiland ylesleft ync yout youtube ypoints ypottfrissa ysondre yumaguado z-r zable zard zation zation-kokr zer zero zeroena zeroth zessosyddraf zg zh zhcn zhtw zhunaaa zip zon zone zonefilter zulaman zulgur zulgurub zuljin zz zzard zzrah
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